Friday, November 7, 2008

Experience with Software ICU

What is Software ICU?

Software ICU get information from Eclipse, Ant and Hudson and shows vital signs about the state of a software projects such as coverage, complexity, coupling, churn, code issues, builds, commits, unit tests, size and developing time. A project user or group members can set up their project with Software ICU and always can check their project health status. The software ICU tool we used is HackyStat project. In order to use HackyStat, it requires users to download and install Eclipse sensor and Ant sensors. For more information on how to using HackyStat, check hackystat tutorial.
Current Health of Our Project - DueDates-green

Duedate-green project currently has very low coverage rate. (Hacky Stat displays in red color when it is low). Our group need to increase coverage rates by write more JUnit test cases before next step.

Complexity status of duedate-green looks healthy since it is below 10.0 and displayed in green color.
Coupling status of duedate-green looks healthy since the average of the dependencies is below 10.

Since we did not working on any source code, it displays N/A.
Since I checked my source code passes "ant -f" before commit, there is no issues from checkstyle, findbugs and PMD.

I am still trying to fix the size of the project by modifying so that sclc target depend upon sclc.sensor.

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